Once again I’m impressed by the support from our community. Nearly everyone I meet lately has a story about a loved and sometimes lost pet. This bucket list item is a perfect example of just that.
The crew at White Rose Credit Union has grown to adore Mister Molson and ask about him every time we meet. Several weeks ago they reached out to see how they can help with his adventures. After reviewing his bucket list, they connected us with Creative York.
It turns out Creative York was getting ready to hold their “Chilly Bowls” fundraiser selling handmade bowls and Perrydell Ice Cream to support the local arts community. It was a perfect event to fulfill Molson’s “Eat an Entire Ice Cream Sundae” adventure. They invited us and promoted Mister Molson’s visit like he was a celebrity.
When we arrived, they made Molson feel right at home. Molson showed his appreciation by giving kisses and taking a selfie with Susan Scofield.
The artists went to work on a creation just for him.
Molson sensed something was up and kept a close eye on them.
The sundae was artistically crafted with doggie ice cream, a banana, peanut butter, then drizzled with honey, and topped with a cherry of course. He found his spot and got ready.
He was on his best behavior to make sure nothing would come between him and that ice cream sundae.
Waited for the magic words…..”OK boy!” Then dove right in!
Molson couldn’t be disturbed for pictures so we took some while he enjoyed a “Chilly Bowl” of his own.
Maybe due to an ice cream headache or the peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth…he did take break for a second and we snuck in a few more pictures with the Creative York crew that put this together.
Due to his swollen gums, he had a little trouble picking up the bananas so Susan jumped in to lend a hand.
As if this wasn’t enough, they gave us a gift certificate for Molson to come back and bring some friends for a dog art party!
Dogs certainly have a way of bringing people together. Add a dog to anything and it’s just way more fun. Don’t believe me? Just try it. A Party or A Dog Party? Art or Dog Art? Sledding or Dog Sledding? A Barbecue or a Dog….okay well maybe not anything.
Anyway, I’m very thankful for all the amazing people I have met because of this dog and the crazy idea of having a bucket list for him. Thank you to Creative York and White Rose Credit Union for making this happen.
Khyra and Sometimes Her Mom says
It just keeps getting KHOOLER
Anonymous says
peg & a bunch of dogs says
sweet Mr M. your story is heartwarming, (and bittersweet)