We took a big step this week toward growing our farm. We got chickens!
Welcome Home Chicks
We welcomed our new backyard chickens home on May 11, 2018. I took the chicks into the kids daycare when I picked them up after school. All the children loved seeing the cute little critters. After meeting the kids, they came home and met Mister Muddy. He was very curious about them and kept sticking his head over the side of the box and sniffing them. The kids loved holding them and fussed over each one.
I'm hoping that introducing Muddy early and letting him greet them (under supervision of course) will keep him from chasing them like he does with squirrels once they are big enough to roam the yard.
The Friends
Their arrived happened to coincide with a kids party. So, they got plenty of attention from the group of kids and they started coming up with names and trying to find the unique identifiers of each chicken. The names have changed several times already. I'm sure it will take a little time until they settle on the chicks names. Each of the kids seemed to find a favorite and enjoyed holding them.
The Types of Chickens
I ordered 2 White Plymouth Rock, 2 Barred Plymouth Rock, 2 Golden Comet, and 2 Easter Eggers. When they arrived, there were 2 additional chicks. One extra Barred Plymouth Rock and another one that is brown and black. We are not sure what that one is yet. She became Elliot's favorite.
I selected these types of chickens for their egg laying abilities. They should each lay a large egg almost every day for several years. They were all listed as friendly and docile so they should get along with each other without many issues. They should also handle our winters well. I quickly found that there many things to consider when choosing between chicken breeds. I am interested in learning first-hand about each of these types.
The Coop
We are still working on the chicken coop. I figure I have a few weeks to wrap it up before the chicks are ready to be outside. They need to stay in the garage with a heat lamp until they get their feathers. Although, it would be cool if they stayed little cute and fluffy for longer.
I found a used chicken coop on craigslist and began building the run out of old pallet wood. The kids chipped in and helped with the painting. I'll share more photos once it is complete.
I look forward to raising backyard chickens and the many lessons they will provide. We should also have plenty of eggs to share. I also look forward to their help creating compost, eating bugs, and aerating the gardens. I'm excited about the progress of our Modest Farm. There are many more great things to come...stay tuned.