This little guy is gonna become cucumbers. This little guy is gonna be tomatoes. These guys are gonna be squash and zucchini. These will become peppers. And of course Chloe insisted on some flowers (she chose sweet peas). Elliot also planted spearmint.
As we worked together starting some seeds that will soon become our garden, the kids were excited. They were watching the little peat pods like they expected them to grow like Jack's magic beans. This can teach them a little about growing plants and a lot about life. There are countless lessons to be learned from gardening including patience, the importance of diversity, delayed rewards, planning ahead, building from the ground (soil) up, and setting boundaries. A garden provides many metaphors for life.
These seeds will one day grow too big for their little greenhouse tray and go out into the real dirt. They will have to stand on their own and trust their roots. I'll be there to help with water and plucking a few weeds that look like trouble. But they will grow and produce their own fruit.
I don't anticipate them all of the sudden become philosophers because of a vegetable garden. But, I hope that they will one day look back and realize the things they learned and the fun times they had playing in the dirt with dad.
Planting these seeds signals the beginning of our Modest Farm.
The kids are really excited about starting this journey. Chloe is asking for overalls and chickens. Elliot wants goats and pigs. I bet if he could talk, Muddy would ask for more rabbits to chase. I look forward to family time outside and trying new things. I look forward to turning our plain yard and abandoned lot into an oasis for us and wildlife. We are all excited and ready for spring. And it all starts with a few seeds.
As the plants grew, Chloe transferred them into larger cups and wrote inspirational messages on each one.
One said "Grow Forest Grow." Another said "You Grow Girl." She has been having fun taking care of these plants. We are all ready for spring so we can get them out into the garden so they can really take off. Stage one of the Modest Farm is underway.

Our Modest Farm all started with some seeds.