A friend said to me the other day that she just got a promotion to Director of Operations. She said “Since I’m a boss now I get to be more condescending.” Then she leaned over and whispered “that means I talk down to people.”
While she was obviously making a joke, I think this often happens with supervisors. Unfortunately, it often happens with writers too. I’ve read “self-help” books where the author gets a little too preachy or talks like he/she has it all figured out and if we only did these 7 things we could have a 4 hour work week, be highly effective, grow rich, stop worrying, or if we just think big about something enough it will happen. It’s a “secret” though so don’t tell anyone that doesn’t buy the book.
As George Carlin said, “If your looking for self-help why would you read a book written by someone else? … If your reading it in a book, folks, It ain’t self-help. It’s help.”
So, in this blog I will make an effort to not get condescending…or talk down to you. I also don’t have any intention of offering “self-help” to anyone but myself. If it helps any of you, that’s great. I cannot be held responsible for any bad ideas I may express. But, I’ll take credit for the good ones. Like a boss.